4 Reasons Old-fashioned Love Letters Are the Best

Love letters are amazing because they express one’s emotions towards a lover. If you have never considered writing a love letter before, here are sure ways to convince you to do so.

  1. You cannot delete a love letter
There is so much that goes into a love letters for her. The enduring permanence of a physical letter is what makes it incredibly romantic. First and foremost, no one wants to forget their love letters in some email inbox or spam or archives or hanging into the internet. You want to see and feel the love letter, something that you can hold with your hands, and reread when you feel like reading it.
  1. Unlike emails, love letters don’t require immediate response
You know how you craft those amazing texts that strike a balance between wit and flirt, then spend a few hours more waiting for any response from your device. With an old-fashioned letters, there is nothing like that. However, the most difficult part of sending a letter is hoping that you won’t find the post office closed or the letter gets lost before getting to the recipient.
  1. It is easy to make the letters smell amazing
If you know your loved one loves the smell of fresh pine, or maybe you wear a scent he or she loves, you can add some scent before you send it off. This is a nice way of intimate making the letter unique and special to your loved one. Remember, there is no way you can do this through an email.

As you have seen, love letters are simply the best, there are the best way to show affection to the person you love. Therefore, the next time you want to send someone a love letter, consider doing it the old-fashion way.


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